4 steps to go

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Start working abroad

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Build and maintain your profile

Get noticed and recruited

Start working abroad


Register for free

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Build and maintain your profile

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Get noticed and recruited

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Start working abroad

Start working abroad

What is KariYari?

KariYari is an innovative platform designed with one purpose: connecting Indian ICT professionals looking to work abroad with employers from around the world looking to hire and relocate Indian ICT professionals.

you are an employer

You are an employer?

You are an employer looking to recruit and relocate Indian ICT top talent to your country?
Contact us! We gladly explain you how KariYari can help you in your search for Indian ICT professionals willing to expatriate.


About KariYari

Infanion Logo

KariYari is an initiative of Infanion.         
Infanion is a European-Indian ICT software development company with offices in Tremelo (Belgium) and Bangalore (India).

Infanion is ISO certified (ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and ISO 9001:2015) and has an AA+ IPLS rating.